Culture is something you cannot buy, something you cannot import, something you cannot learn or produce at will. A writer, an artist or musician cannot sit down and say 'Now I will produce culture.' Culture is something that evolves out of the simple, enduring elements of everyday life; elements most truthfully expressed in the folk arts and crafts of a nation.
- Thor Hansen
A very, large, grateful, Thank you!!
I am so honored to have such great people working with and for us!
We had a little family crisis this past week, my daughter Ashley was suffering with sever pains and rushed to the hospital, where they discovered that her appendix had ruptured. I was at the Gallery working away for the Connections Mag. Show when I heard the news. Suddenly my life became a crazy mess! Rushing between my daughter & the show became almost more than I could handle. But I am happy to report that all is well!
My Ashley came out of Surgery, a success, and after a day of hospital rest she is home today.
My great friends Bob Nell and Jim Rickert came to my rescue and did the show for me. I am so grateful for having met these awesome guys!
They entertained and worked their butts off.
I would also like to acknowledge my new good friends who also helped me put together the show: Ms. Patty Baker-Smith and Donnie Schmidt!
I am excited with the new direction we are taking. I believe you will all enjoy the new Art at the Gallery!
The Connections Magazine Show consisting of four Artists…is now at the Gallery! All the juicy details of the event to follow…
glad to hear your daughter is ok. i like what you wrote about culture. its very true. glad everything worked out weith the gallery. its important to stay positive. everything works out in the end.