Saturday, April 3, 2010

Too Gorgeous outside to work inside!

Another busy day at the gallery, however…
I have managed to sneak in a little work!
A new sketch!
That is the first picture I posted, I love this girl’s soulful eyes!

Also… new work by Pat Baker Smith, these gourds are spectacular!
She grows them in her garden, hallows them out, dries them, and then paints these beautiful pictures on them!
Can you imagine?
She only charges from $35-55.00 for all that work!
I bought two!
Anyway, don’t tell my husband!
Thought you would like a peek!
Reminder I would like to do an ATC Show!
The week ending: July 31st, If any of you are interested?
let me know, we will show your work!
and then I will send them back or
will trade you with my own trading cards!
Hope to hear from you
Keep creating!


  1. great drawing...pretty girl!

    and those painted gords! we used to grow our own bottle shaped gords too, my brother would dry them out after gutting them, and then he'd varnish the exterior and make 'piggy' banks out of them! boy does that ever bring back memories! lol

    they are beautiful, and your secret's safe with me!
    ciao bella
