Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My daughter; Angelina Denaro

I just wanted to post my daughters pictures after she won her first art contest!
She won January’s Student Contest for her plate, at our gallery!
It know it might sound fishy but she was the only entry!
Go figure? Giving away free art supplies and I still don’t get any entries!
Thus the pictures are of me giving her the $25.00 gift certificate and then her going to the
Hanson’s Decorum for redeeming her art supplies!
What a great day to see her so happy buying new supplies!
She got a new drawing pad, a huge painting kit, and these fun paint markers!
I love that she is still using them today!

I am looking forward to this darn snow storm coming in!
I am still ill but….
It has a bright side;
I am finally catching up on some long needed rest!

As you all know; it’s been officially 5 months that I own the gallery!
I thought a lot more would have been accomplished by now!
However, I have begun to realize I am not super woman after all!
Deciding what I want to bring to the community has been one of my major concerns…
and finding out what they would like is a major dilemma.
So my question to you…ALL my friends is:
What would you like a gallery to provide you with
if you could have anything you wanted?
Please suggest something…

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life’s crazy moments have been replaced with sickness.
I have been fighting this cold for a week, but I guess when you finally take a day off; bam its hits you!
If its not one thing is another!
I am in my Pajamas at the computer at 10am!! My day is half over!!!
Wow, I haven’t done this in years!

I spoke earlier with you about getting new artists…
Here is one of them; Today’s inspiration is Donie Schmidt at;
You all know her from here, my partner in the Art World.
Stop by and check out her great wolves!

I spent this past weekend at Marywood University and attended the openings of two talented artists:
One professor Mark Webber and the Young Artist Series – Rouge Bodies by Ryan D. Ward;
I had a great time. My friends Leslie & Charles Woods (in the photo) and I attended the Gala Opening Reception.
Wow, talk about a great turn out.
The art was inspiring, the company intellectual, and I was in heaven!

I hope that you enjoy a little peek for more about the show;
Link to the current exhibit at Marywood:

Thank you all for your comments and continued support!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New at the Gallery

New this month:
A Free Art Giveaway! Come in and fill out an entry form!
Alan Crothamel’s Painted Feather Print!

Check out Linda Cobb’s new Zentangles!

The Creative Process:

We are having an open discussion at the Philip Hone Gallery for all who might be interested…
Friday, February 19th 2010 at 6PM

Mort Malkin of the Delaware Valley Arts Alliance, writer at the:
aka; the renowned writer & poet extraordinaire!

Will lead us in an open discussion for artists, writers, musicians, craftsmen, poets all creative souls! Anyone interested in how to switch on that creative light bulb in the brain!

We will explore creativity in human history.
Straight line and random thinking.
Steps leading to illumination ( that “Aha” moment).
The creative process vs. the scientific method.

The various artists are encouraged to bring a work or two to illustrate how they personally go about their art, how they switch it on!
The invitation is also extended to parents, teachers, librarians, business people of all stripes!
Admission: your thoughts and openness to the ideas of others.
Coffee & Cake Served

Monday, February 15, 2010

Honesdale Mardi Gras

Some fun photos of how things went this last Saturday…
Our charming town of Honesdale had a Mardi Gras Day in which the local businesses dressed up in typical New Orleans’ fashion with fun promotions and themes!
Wow, talk about frozen to the bone!
It wasn’t really a long procession,
each business rounded town at the top of each hour…
Hopefully giving great deals and offers to the community!
When it was our turn to cruise the community, we headed up around 2pm!
But being the artists we are…
All of us dressed up and participated in the hoopla, I was Alice in Wonderland, Donie and Josie were the Queens of Hearts, and our Jessica was the Jack of Hearts!
Our mission was to raise awareness about the Wayne County Arts Alliance’s
Alice in Wonderland Tea Party Fundraiser!
Our beautiful Queen and her little Miss Josie handed out “Candy with invitations to the event.”
I should have gotten a close up of her outfit it was so cute with matching crowns…
We drove up and down the town in a golf cart…
with a little decoration.
(Thank you girls!)
Waving and Smiling….
We gave it our best try…
I don’t think I came close to looking anything like Alice!
However I had great fun, a lot of laughter, a little self promotion and of course another unforgettable experience with good friends!
I really like this Jess she is a firecracker of a woman, lovely, smart, and charmingly elegant to watch! A big heart and a super volunteer!
Honored to call her my new friend!
and I heard…
We even made the local news!

Sorry I haven’t been blogging away, life has just gotten the best of me lately…
My personal life has gone through hell; with my father’s heart attack, and a whole bunch of craziness at home, I am working hard at catching up! I hope to get back to all of your wonderful letters and comments!
On a better note: the little gallery is doing great!
Busier than ever!
So I wish you all “oodles of creativity!”
Be all that you dream!