Monday, June 1, 2009

My first Cactus Monday

Not the best I've ever done, a quick sketch, thinking about adding color! Maybe tonight when the kids go down!

What's new:
When I started this blog; to document my journey, it was also about my illness, which has returned this morning. Unfortunately, I awoke with my legs swollen and all my energy has drained out, a strong reminder, I am still sick.
This weekend was long and fun. The first time I attended the Art, Craft and Antique weekend in Honesdale. I guess I did a little too much. Once again, I will return to juicing, deep breathing, and the regimen that helped me get thru this the first time.
This illness has a way of reminding me what really matters, the true meaning of life.
I have been reminded of how wonderful and beautiful my children are; that I’ve been so busy!!! and when that happens...
the lessons that I’ve learned disappear from my mind! Till tomorrow! Keep creating! love you all.


  1. Welcome to Cactus Monday dear Caroline!

    This is no lame stuff...its a really cool sketch... I think color would give it a new lease of life. But I like it this way n white!

    Thanks for your inspiring comment on my blog... I am so honored for being your inspiration:)

    Do take care of yourself and have a healthy and haerty day!

  2. Whenevr you post Cactus post, pls go to to link it there. That way everyone can know tht you've posted it. She is our chief/founder of Cactus Monday. You can do it even now.

  3. Caroline, I've introduced you to Teri thru her comment section. So feel free to join us and link it there so that all of us can enjoy your journey.

    Have a great day!

  4. Hi Caroline, welcome to Cactus Monday! I am so happy you have joined us. We do this every Monday, just come over and link your CM post. You did great for your first cactus and Deepa is right, color would add a lot, but you did great for a first sketch. Funny how these cactus grow on you.

    I enjoyed looking through your blog and reading your commentary. Good luck on your art journey, you have some wonderful sketches and working in a gallery is about as much inspiration as one could ask for. I started my journey some years ago and sketch everyday now. It is amazing how much that helps.

    Again, welcome and happy Cactus Monday.

  5. Beautiful! And welcome to Cactus Monday- I am a little late getting around to everyones posts!

  6. Welcome Caroline, sorry to drop by late.
    I really hope you will be with us for the rest of the cactus monday challenge!
    Lovely sketch. Most of the time, I also last minute submission because of the business.
    Don't worry, just have fun OK.
    Happy weekends and bye!
